Week 6

 TCS Powerlifting

Week 6

Squat Day

1 Rep Max Day for Each lift


Bench Day

Warmup up with band pulls, 2 sets of all 3 directions. Overhead, straight ahead, and straight ahead underhanded. Squeeze your back muscles down each rep. 

Light inclined dumbbell bench press

Light pulldowns

Bench Press: Speed Bench. VERY LIGHT, just the bar or maybe up to 10 lbs. Do 3 reps AS FAST AS YOU CAN and as explosive as you can; punch the ceiling. Rest 20 seconds in between each set and do 15 sets. You can take up to a 2 minute break ONCE in the 15 rounds, and only if you need to and the bar is starting to move really slow.


  1. Tricep Rolls, 8 sets of 8 (yes 8 sets, fit them in often)
  2. Cable Chest Flies, 2 directions, 3 sets of 15 each direction
  3. Pulldowns, 3 sets of 15. 
  4. Tricep Cables (Rope), 3 Sets, do 12 reps Downwards AND Overhead each
  5. Dumbbell Incline Bench, 3 sets of 12 
  6. Landmine Rows, 3 Sets of 12
Finish with Tabata Biceps

Do not record these cool-down accessories:

  1. Rotator Cuff Twists, 3 sets of 12, NO MORE THAN 5 LBs
  2. Pot Stirs, 3 Sets of 12

Deadlift Day

Warmup, 3 sets of 21 kettlebell (dumbbell) swings. 3 sets of 10 burpees. 3 sets of 10 deep, slow squats (stretch during each squat)         

Deadlift. Speed Pulls. 60% of 1 RM. Do 12 Singles. Lift the bar as fast as you can.

WOD: Diane


  1. GHD Hingers, 4 sets of 10
  2. Rope Cable Pull-Throughs, 3 sets of 15
  3. Reverse Hypers, 3 sets of 12 
  4. Straight Leg Deadlifts, 3 sets of 8
  5. Kettlebell Swings, 3 sets of 21
  6. Calves, 3 sets of 20

Bench Day 2

Warmup up with band pulls, 2 sets of all 3 directions. Overhead, straight ahead, and straight ahead underhanded. Squeeze your back muscles down each rep. 

Light inclined dumbbell bench press

Light pulldowns

Bench Press: 3 sets of 4, Heavy Bench Day


  1. Diamond Pushups, 3 sets of maximum reps
  2. Cable Chest Flies, 2 directions, 3 sets of 15 each direction
  3. Pulldowns, 3 sets of 15. 
  4. Tricep Cables (Rope), 3 Sets, do 12 reps Downwards AND Overhead each
  5. Incline Bench, 3 sets of 12 USE SPOTTER
  6. Landmine Rows, 3 Sets of 12

Do not record these cool-down accessories:

  1. Rotator Cuff Twists, 3 sets of 12, NO MORE THAN 5 LBs
  2. Pot Stirs, 3 Sets of 12
